Google Tag Manager sending extra events to snowplow

I am receiving traffic from when implementing tracker using Google Tag Manager (GTM) . I believe this is a Google Tag Manager traffic, details from my storage table are given below:

event: struct, page_view
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
br_name: Internet Explorer 11

On further debugging I found that GTM renders an iFrame for noscript tracking. The URL on appspot is that iFrame content.

Has anyone faced similar issue or is it just me? If yes, what is the best approach to avoid this situation?

As page_urlhost is consistent in all the request, I have resolved the issue by using given code in GTM :

<script type="text/javascript">
if ('') == -1) {
//SnowPlow EVENT

Hope this will help others. If someone has better approach to the problem, do share.

Hi @v3nom - you are right, this is a GTM-specific glitch. You can safely ignore it - the traffic will fail validation in Hadoop/Stream Enrich and be put in the bad bucket.

Hi @alex

You can safely ignore it - the traffic will fail validation in Hadoop/Stream Enrich and be put in the bad bucket.

Unfortunately it found a way to my storage i.e PostgreSql table, is it normal behaviour?

Note: The traffic details which I posted initially was taken from postgreSql table.