Events not being created?

I’m not sure if the event is not being created or if it’s not reaching the enriched stream.

I created a number of schemas:


The first 4 seem to work when I send events.
The rest don’t produce any events. I created most of them today, but 1, mouse-click-event v1-0-1 was created a few weeks ago along with the other working ones.

Any clues as to why I can’t generate events on these schemas?

This code:

	mouse_click = {'button': 1}
	snowplow('trackSelfDescribingEvent', {
		  event: {
			schema: 'iglu:com.quix.steve.test/abc123/jsonschema/1-0-1',
			data: JSON.stringify(mouse_click)

Works for the mouse-move-event schema but not for the mouse-click-event schema.


If your event is failing validation, it will end up in failed events - you can read about them here: Understanding failed events - Snowplow Docs

There should be an error message giving at least a hint as to the problem.

A good option to debug this kind of thing is to use snowplow micro on your machine. That way you can have a faster feedback loop to iterate tracking and schema definition, before pushing to prod.

Thanks for the speedy response.
I looked in sp-bad-1-stream and there is was…

It looks like the schema isn’t valid for a number of reasons (see below). Not sure why. I thought I’d used the exact same method to create the new ones.

This is how I created the schemas… old and new.

curl -XPOST https://xxxxx/api/schemas \
  -H "apikey: xxxxx" \
  -d '
          "$schema": "",
          "self": {
            "vendor": "com.quix.steve.test",
            "name": "abc123",
            "format": "jsonschema",
            "version": "1-0-0"
          "type": "object"

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                    "error": "NotFound"
                "attempts": 8,
                "lastAttempt": "2022-08-10T12:29:56.177Z"
                "repository": "Iglu Central - Mirror 01",
                "errors": [
                    "error": "NotFound"
                "attempts": 8,
                "lastAttempt": "2022-08-10T12:29:56.231Z"
                "repository": "Iglu Client Embedded",
                "errors": [
                    "error": "NotFound"
                "attempts": 1,
                "lastAttempt": "2022-08-10T11:45:34.563Z"
                "repository": "Iglu Server",
                "errors": [
                    "error": "NotFound"
                "attempts": 8,
                "lastAttempt": "2022-08-10T12:29:55.962Z"
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So the ‘not found’ response is a list of places that the pipeline looked for the schema - and it wasn’t there in any of them.

So in the genral case that means either it was never uploaded, or there’s a mistake in the path provided.

From a quick check of what you’ve provided above, it seems you may have uploaded 1-0-0 and tracked against 1-0-1. But if it’s not that, I’d check that the schema was uploaded, and double-check the schema path provided to the tracker. :slight_smile:

OK! Thanks you put me on the right track.

It seems that I created the mouse-move-event with type = “string” but I created the mouse-click-event with type= object… then tried to send it a string.

Without looking in the errors stream (the bad-1-stream) I would never have guess it…

But on the bright side I now have a bunch of Snowplow postman calls setup and I know a bit more about Snowplow in general… plus a bit of a headache.

Thanks for your help!! Really appreciate it.


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