I’m trying to use the enrichment process to do schema validation from an event pushed from the PHP SDK. Currently I’m getting the following error from the enrichment process:
error deserializing raw event: Unrecognized type 67
Is this from the collector or the enricher? Do you have the full JSON failed event for this? (should have a schema of something like: iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.badrows/collector_payload_format_violation/jsonschema/1-0-0 )
As is I can’t see anything wrong with that schema and the instance you are sending with it but it’d be helpful to see the redacted full event you are sending if possible.
Thanks, I pulled and tried with 2.0.3, but now I’m getting the following error: error deserializing raw event: Cannot read. Remote side has closed. Tried to read 2 bytes, but only got 0 bytes. (This is often indicative of an internal error on the server side. Please check your server logs.)
I checked the server logs but there’s no snowplow related output at all.
Are you seeing this repeatedly or just a once off? Typically when I’ve seen this in the past it’s just been due to restarting the enricher / collector and should disappear afterwards.