Does Stream Enrich have any endpoints?

I was wondering if the Stream Enrich had any endpoints or something that we can ping at least? Is it getting the streamed events from the pool via HTTP or somehow else? Could someone explain? :slight_smile:

It would be a great help for us, cheers!

Stream Enrich at this stage doesn’t have any endpoints to fetch the data. Typically if you are looking to read real time data (not sure if this is your use case though) then you’d read from the emitting destination i.e., Kinesis / PubSub / Kafka rather than from the process itself.

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No, I was just wondering if it’s possible to setup some kind of health check mechanism to ensure that the Enricher is running :slight_smile:

Hey @lfib,

Stream Enrich doesn’t provide any endpoint for health check currently.

And for your second question, Stream Enrich is supporting several streaming tool as source/sink such as Kinesis, Kafka and NSQ. We are using the library for respective streaming tool to fetch and send data.

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Not yet - but this has been raised a few times and has an open Github issue. Previously this was a little tricky to do as their was / is no real HTTP interface to enrich itself (and certain older infra like Beam didn’t make this easily achievable) but I think long term there’s a few good reasons to do so as well as some other HTTP checkpoints. @anton might have some thoughts on this one.

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Hey @lfib,

As Mike said - we do have plans to implement it and likely it’s going to be something compatible across the whole ecosystem (i.e. not just 200 OK, but some observability details), but unfortunately no firm plans or ETA yet.