Hi Snowplow Team,
I’m currently working with the Snowplow Analytics SDK (Python) and I see that it provides functions like event_transformer.transform(tsv_line)
to convert Snowplow enriched TSV events into JSON format. However, I couldn’t find any built-in function that supports the reverse transformation (i.e., converting a JSON representation of an enriched event back into TSV format).
Use Case:
- We have an enrichment pipeline*where events pass through multiple processing stages.
- The first enrichment stream processes the raw data and sends it to an AWS Lambda function, which applies some transformations and outputs the data in JSON format.
- This transformed JSON needs to be re-ingested into the second enrichment stream, which expects the orginal Snowplow TSV format.
Does the Snowplow Analytics SDK (Python or Scala) provide an official function to convert a JSON representation of an enriched event back into TSV format?