Documentation on raw log JSON?

I found this to describe the model in which your events end up in Redshift at the end of the pipeline, but is there any documentation for the format that they’re stored in directly from the collector?

For example something to tell me what all these fields mean, some are obvious, but others less so:

         "ue_pr":"{\"schema\":\"iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/unstruct_event/jsonschema/1-0-0\",\"data\":{\"group\":\"\",\"name\":\"searchParams\",\"program\":\"lifemiles\",\"checkIn\":\"05/08/2016\",\"checkOut\":\"05/18/2016\",\"query\":\"NY, United States\",\"regionId\":6837,\"latitude\":40.7127837,\"longitude\":-74.00594130000002,\"locationType\":\"CITY\",\"rooms\":1,\"currency\":\"USD\"}}",

Hi @dyerw,

Please, check out the wiki pages “Collector Logging Formats” and “Snowplow Tracker Protocol”. Is it what you were looking for?


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The Snowplow Tracker Protocol is what I was looking for! Thanks!