Did Snowplow have access to my data?

Did snowplow have any access to the data collected from my website through the open source pipes? Did you have any document that explains the issue of information security through the snowplow pipes, including setting cookies and so on? Did someone apply a snowplow pipe on sensitive information?


Hi @zili,

No, we don’t have any access to your data.[quote=“zili, post:1, topic:777”]

Did you have any document that explains the issue of information security through the snowplow pipes, including setting cookies and so on…?

We don’t have a publically-available document like that, and no plans to provide one. The open-source Snowplow software is provided caveat utilitor.

We recommend performing your own info-security audit on your Snowplow pipeline as you have it configured; the output of that audit is a great document to then provide to your end users/customers.

thanks a lot for quick response