So our first party cookie domains will be different for each site.
Do you recommend having cookie names same for id and session cookie across all the 3 sites or we must have unique cookie names (for id and session cookie) for each site.
Can the js tracker name be same across all domains?
@kaustubh.umalkar, both cookie names and trackers could be the same. You rather should be concerned about cross-domain tracking (if that’s what you are looking for) as indeed there will be different domain_userid for the same user on each of the domain (web app).
One of the approaches is to use network_userid which is the 3rd party cookie set on the collector domain. That is if the same collector is used the network_userid will be the same for the same user on all three web applications. The limitation, however, the 3rd party cookie (network_userid) is more likely to be blocked by the browser than the 1st party cookie (domain_userid) and thus you still might be getting different IDs for the same user (if the 3rd party cookie is blocked).