Our Snowplow installation has some sites using the Cloudfront collector, and some using an old version of Clojure (clj-0.6.0-tom-0.0.4).
We have never actually used network_userid in any analytics, so in the course of routine maintenance I ran some queries to see how many network_userid values were repeated across domains.
The surprise was that, not only are network_userids not showing up across domains, they are unique in atomic.events. That is, we are getting a fresh network_userid on every single event, even within domains.:
events=> select count(*), count(distinct event_id) event_ids, count(distinct page_urlhost) hosts, count(distinct domain_userid) domain_userids, count(distinct network_userid) network_userids from atomic.events
where v_collector = 'clj-0.6.0-tom-0.0.4' and collector_tstamp > '2018-03-01';
count | event_ids | hosts | domain_userids | network_userids
4587548 | 4587225 | 113 | 431559 | 4587545
I know many browsers are blocking 3rd party cookies nowadays, but this seems extreme.
So, questions:
- Is our clojure collector misconfigured? Or maybe our JS tracker code?
- Would results be different if we updated to the current Clojure collector?
- More broadly, given that 3rd party cookies are in decline, should we just bail on clojure and use the Cloudfront collector exclusively?
Any advice appreciated!