What are configurable enrichments?

Hi @JeetuChoudhary,

The parameter --enrichments, which represents the configurable enrichments passed to EmrEtlRunner, is optional.

Please, read the following wiki pages to find out more.

In short, those are extra enrichments which you can apply to your events during the enrichment process. Some of them add extra values to your atomic.events table whilst the others require dedicated tables of their own to load the data into.

They are called configurable as the corresponding JSON files would required adjustments to be used with your events. This is because you would need to either

  • have an account with a 3rd party provider of the data relevant to the enrichment (ex. location info derived from the user’s IP)


  • have specific requirements for the outcome of the enrichment (ex. hide only the last octet of the captured IP)

If used, the value passed with the parameter --enrichments is the directory where you store your configurable JSON files. The examples of the files could be found here.

Hopefully this clarifies the term.
