Snowplow/rdb-loader-redshift:5.4.1 /bin/sh Unexpected argument

Hi @Kristina_Pianykh it’s great that you fixed the issue, and thank you for sharing that you found the solution.

It was interesting to me that you had customised the snowplow docker image with your own dockerfile. Of course you are free to do this, but it is our intention that you should be able to run the standard docker image, without modification. Our intention is that configuration parameters should be provided at run time, rather than baked into the image.

May I ask why you chose to modify the standard docker image? Was it maybe because RDB loader did not have a user-friendly way of providing configuration via environment variables? If that was your reason then it’s a very good reason! I would probably have done the same thing.

We recently released RDB loader version 5.5.0 and it has some improvements to how it receives configuration. You no longer need to provide base64-encoded strings on the command line. And it is possible to provide a hocon config file in which you template environment variables, e.g.: password: ${DB_REDSHIFT_PASSWORD}

I’m hoping that with the new version, we can find a way for you to run the standard image without any customisation.