Roku Tracker 0.2.0 released

We are pleased to announce the second release of our tracker for Roku devices. The BrightScript package is published on NPM as @snowplow/roku-tracker and can be used with ropm. It may also be included in BrightScript apps directly using releases published on Github.

Key features

The new version of the tracker brings the following improvements:

  • Video tracking: Tracking of media events from Roku Video nodes including context on video playback (#10).
  • Device info context: Context entity with device and user information automatically added to all tracked events (#4).
  • Use millisecond granularity in event timestamps instead of second-level granularity (#7).

Video Tracking

Video tracking enables collecting events about video playback from Video nodes. Once enabled for a video node, the tracker subscribes to selected events and tracks them automatically. Video tracking is enabled by assigning a roAssociativeArray with the video node to the enableVideoTracking property: = {
    video: m.Video

Check out the Snowplow Docs section for more information about video tracking.

Device Info Context

Device Info Context is an entity attached to events that provides information about the Roku device. It gives information about the device model and OS, adds unique identifiers for the channel and device, includes playback settings, current device usage, locale, display properties, network status, and device features. The context is automatically added to all tracked events by default.

Check out the Snowplow Docs section for more information about device context.

Feedback and contributing

We are very keen to hear your feedback to shape the future releases of this tracker! Please feel free to open discourse topics with ideas, and add issues and bug reports to the repo.

We also welcome contributions and PRs. If in doubt, open an issue or a discourse post to ask about your contribution - important contributions - especially bugfixes - will be prioritised.